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Dr Shamsuzzoha is currently the Deputy Director at the Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC). He has overseen a team of proficient engineers while spearheading various technical initiatives. His role entails providing strategic policy recommendations, emergency telecommunication, internet domain operational issues, conducting comprehensive telecom market analyses, and leading efforts in regulatory monitoring and standardization. Dr Zoha is the SDG and Statistical focal point for BTRC. Additionally, he is actively involved as an expert with ITU, APT, ICANN, and APNIC. He holds key positions including Vice-Chair in ITU-T SG-20 (IoT and Smart Cities & Communities) Regional Group for Asia and the Pacific, Vice-Chair in APT-SATRC Working Group on Policy, Regulation & Services, and serves as the GAC representative to ICANN from Bangladesh. He is a telecommunication engineer by profession but has higher study and research work in public policy, especially in the field of operations research, and industrial economics.

Abdul Kayum is an Advisor at the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in New Delhi and a distinguished officer of the Indian Telecom Service. He currently serves as the Chair of the SATRC Spectrum Group and Vice Chair of ITU Study Group 12 (Performance, QoS, and QoE). Previously, Mr. Kayum worked as Deputy Director General (DDG) at the Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC), where he was responsible for developing TEC standards in emerging areas such as 6G Technologies, Quantum Communication, Next Generation Passive Optical Networks, and Sustainable Telecommunications. During his tenure, he played a pivotal role in advancing standards related to Quantum Key Distribution and Post-Quantum Cryptographic Systems, making significant contributions to the field of telecommunications sustainability through the development of TEC’s Energy Consumption Rating and Energy Passport standards.

Junseob Lee joined the ETRI in 1999 and he is the Director of the Intelligent Convergence Research Laboratory. Currently, he is a rapporteur of Question 1 of ITU-T Study Group 20 which is covering Interoperability and interworking of IoT and SC&C applications and services. Also, he is an editor of the IoT and SC&C Standards Roadmap maintained by JCA-IoT and SC&C. He have been participated in ITU-T works as an editor for many ITU-T Recommendations including Y.2060 which is the first ITU-T Recommendation for Internet of Things.

Ashish Garg is the Senior Manager for Spectrum and Policy in South Asia at the GSMA. With a rich background in the ICT sector, he has held key roles at Reliance, Etisalat, Samsung Networks, and telecom infrastructure associations. Ashish has led projects across digital infrastructure development, broadband expansion, sectoral taxation, and emerging technologies like IoT. He has worked closely with governments on various regulatory initiatives and policy implementation, contributing to the region’s digital transformation.